Results for 'L. A. Petrov'

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  1. Measurement of p*-p coincidences for, l* te-delayed proton emitter.L. A. Petrov - 1968 - In Peter Koestenbaum, Proceedings. [San Jose? Calif.,: [San Jose? Calif.. pp. 1--263.
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    Controlling the plastic anisotropy in asymmetrically rolled aluminium sheets.J. Sidor, A. Miroux, R. Petrov & L. Kestens - 2008 - Philosophical Magazine 88 (30-32):3779-3792.
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    The Leabra architecture: Specialization without modularity.Alexander A. Petrov, David J. Jilk, Randall C. O'Reilly & Michael L. Anderson - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (4):286-287.
    The posterior cortex, hippocampus, and prefrontal cortex in the Leabra architecture are specialized in terms of various neural parameters, and thus are predilections for learning and processing, but domain-general in terms of cognitive functions such as face recognition. Also, these areas are not encapsulated and violate Fodorian criteria for modularity. Anderson's terminology obscures these important points, but we applaud his overall message.
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    Auditory Mismatch Negativity Response in Institutionalized Children.Irina Ovchinnikova, Marina A. Zhukova, Anna Luchina, Maxim V. Petrov, Marina J. Vasilyeva & Elena L. Grigorenko - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
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    Evidence‐based medicine training and implementation in surgery: the role of surgical cultures.Simon Kitto, Ana Petrovic, Russell L. Gruen & Julian A. Smith - 2011 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17 (4):819-826.
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    The energy distribution for a spherically symmetric isolated system in general relativity.A. N. Petrov & J. V. Narlikar - 1996 - Foundations of Physics 26 (9):1201-1229.
    The problems of the tolal energy and quasilocalenergy density or an isolated spherically symmetric static system in general relativity (GR) are considered with examples of some exact suintions. The field formulation of GR dereloped earlier hy L. P. Grishchuk. el al. (1984). in ihe framework of which all the dynamical fields, including the gravitation field, are considered in a fixed background spacetime is used intensively. The exact Schwarzschild and Reissner Nordstrom solutions are investigated in detail, and the results are compared (...)
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    Callimachus in Context: From Plato to the Augustan Poets by Benjamin Acosta-Hughes, Susan A. Stephens (review).Ivana Petrovic - 2015 - American Journal of Philology 136 (2):365-368.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Callimachus in Context: From Plato to the Augustan Poets by Benjamin Acosta-Hughes, Susan A. StephensIvana PetrovicBenjamin Acosta-Hughes and Susan A. Stephens. Callimachus in Context: From Plato to the Augustan Poets. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2012. xvi + 328 pp. 4 maps. Cloth, $99.Callimachus is a scholar’s poet, not just because his poetry is difficult and challenging, but also because we tend to see a reflection of ourselves in (...)
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  8. Merchant Moscow: Images of Russia's Vanished Bourgeoisie. Edited by James L. West and Iurii A. Petrov.F. S. Zuckerman - 2000 - The European Legacy 5 (4):617-617.
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    G. Petrovic's "Marx in the Mid-Twentieth Century: A Yugoslav Philosopher Reconsiders Karl Marx's Writings". [REVIEW]Howard L. Parsons - 1968 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 29 (1):137.
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    A Philosophical Critique of Soviet Marxism.Der sowjetrussische dialektische MaterialismusDer dialektische Materialismus. Seine Geschichte und sein System in der Sowjetunion.George L. Kline - 1955 - Review of Metaphysics 9 (1):90 - 105.
    "Professor B. Petrov" is actually the nom de plume of Boris Petrovich Vysheslavtsev, a professor of philosophy in the Faculty of Law at Moscow University from 1917 to 1922, well known in Russian émigré circles as the author of a number of technically competent and stylistically brilliant studies in philosophy and psychology. His last published work, The Crisis of Industrial Civilization: Marxism, Neo-Socialism, Neo-Liberalism, is a significant contribution to social philosophy. Vysheslavtsev is distinguished by a scholar's intimacy with the (...)
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    Pochaev monastery in the context of the history and spirituality of the Ukrainian people.A. Gudyma & B. Havarivskyy - 1996 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 1:32-35.
    April 29-30, 1995 in the premises of the Ternopil Medical Institute. Academician I.Ya.Gorbachevsky held an international scientific conference with such a title. In her work participated: A. Kolodny, - deputy director of the Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, President of the Ukrainian Association of Religious Studies; Employees of the Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine - V.Malakhov, V.Klimov, L.Filipovich, O.Sagan, V.Demian, T.Chaika; Lviv Museum of the History of Religion - (...)
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    Material Semiotics as a Method: From Uncertainty to Order and Back Again.Kirill A. Petrov - 2023 - Sociology of Power 35 (2):18-37.
    John Law notes that — by the early 1990s — Latour’s approach contained the entirety of the principles of actor-network theory: attention to heterogeneous relations, use of semiotic tools, adherence to symmetry in describing the truth or false statements, performativity of practices, focus on circulations, predisposition to case studies. Expanding the list of approaches and tools used in the ANT, Law turns to material semiotics. He aspires to show it as a set of themes that stimulate the researcher’s sensitivity to (...)
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  13. The concept of a linguistic variable and its application to approximate reasoning.L. A. Zadeh - 1975 - Information Science 1.
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  14. Metodicheskoe posobie po filosofii.L. I. Ivashevskiĭ & Lev Aleksandrovich Petrov (eds.) - 1968
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  15. Causation: A User’s Guide.L. A. Paul & Ned Hall - 2013 - Oxford: Oxford University Press UK. Edited by Edward J. Hall.
    Causation is at once familiar and mysterious. Neither common sense nor extensive philosophical debate has led us to anything like agreement on the correct analysis of the concept of causation, or an account of the metaphysical nature of the causal relation. Causation: A User's Guide cuts a clear path through this confusing but vital landscape. L. A. Paul and Ned Hall guide the reader through the most important philosophical treatments of causation, negotiating the terrain by taking a set of examples (...)
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  16. Post, L. A., Notes on Paper by, notes 6, 8, 10.L. A. Post - 1932 - Classical Weekly 26:34.
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  17. The Worm at the Root of the Passions: Poetry and Sympathy in Mill's Utilitarianism: L. A. Paul.L. A. Paul - 1998 - Utilitas 10 (1):83-104.
    I claim that Mill has a theory of poetry which he uses to reconcile nineteenth century associationist psychology, the tendency of the intellect to dissolve associations, and the need for educated members of society to desire utilitarian ends. The heart of the argument is that Mill thinks reading poetry encourages us to feel the feelings of others, and thus to develop pleasurable associations with the pleasurable feelings of others and painful associations with the painful feelings of others. Once the associations (...)
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  18. II—L. A. Paul: Categorical Priority and Categorical Collapse.L. A. Paul - 2013 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 87 (1):89-113.
    I explore some of the ways that assumptions about the nature of substance shape metaphysical debates about the structure of Reality. Assumptions about the priority of substance play a role in an argument for monism, are embedded in certain pluralist metaphysical treatments of laws of nature, and are central to discussions of substantivalism and relationalism. I will then argue that we should reject such assumptions and collapse the categorical distinction between substance and property.
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  19. Chapter Six Quantitative Estimations of Creativity: Social Determination and Free Will.Lidia A. Mazhul & Vladimir M. Petrov - 2007 - In Leonid Dorfman, Colin Martindale & Vladimir Petrov, Aesthetics and innovation. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 83.
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    Item-Score Reliability as a Selection Tool in Test Construction.Eva A. O. Zijlmans, Jesper Tijmstra, L. Andries van der Ark & Klaas Sijtsma - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  21. H.L.A. Hart y El Concepto de Derecho.H. L. A. Hart & Agustín Squella - 1986 - Universidad de Valparaiso.
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  22. Zhabaĭkhan Mubarakovich Abdilʹdin.L. D. Ăbenova - 2002 - Almaty: [S.N.]. Edited by D. Zh Omarbekova.
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  23. Mit csinál a kommentár a szöveggel?Tamás Ábel - 2017 - In Ernő Kulcsár Szabó & Gábor Tolcsvai Nagy, Megértés és megértetés: a magyarázat a bölcsészettudományokban. Budapest: Gondolat Kiadó.
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    Iskusstvoznanie i teorii︠a︡ informat︠s︡ii.G. A. Golit︠s︡yn, V. M. Petrov & A. V. Kharuto (eds.) - 2009 - Moskva: Krasand, URSS.
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    L'analyse du langage a Royaumont.A. -L. L. - 1958 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 148:257 - 259.
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  26. Berkeley, Alciphron ou le Pense-Menu. [REVIEW]L. A. L. A. - 1953 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 143:271.
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  27. Philosophy of Religion a Book of Readings.George L. Abernethy & Thomas A. Langford - 1962 - Macmillan.
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  28. Post, L. A., Notes on Paper by, n. 17.L. A. Post - 1932 - Classical Weekly 26:36.
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    Transcendental Turn in Contemporary Philosophy - VIII: Metaphysics, Epistemology, Transcendental Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence.Anna A. Shiyan & Vasilii B. Petrov - 2023 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 27 (4):1033-1041.
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    Review of H. L. A. Hart: Essays in jurisprudence and philosophy[REVIEW]H. L. A. Hart - 1985 - Ethics 95 (4):945-947.
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  31. Whose Preferences?L. A. Paul - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (8):65-66.
    Commentary on Walsh, E. 2020. Cognitive transformation, dementia, and the moral weight of advance directives. The American Journal of Bioethics. 20(8): 54–64.
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  32. Temporal Experience.L. A. Paul - 2010 - Journal of Philosophy 107 (7):333-359.
    The question I want to explore is whether experience supports an antireductionist ontology of time, that is, whether we should take it to support an ontology that includes a primitive, monadic property of nowness responsible for the special feel of events in the present, and a relation of passage that events instantiate in virtue of literally passing from the future, to the present, and then into the past.
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    Initial Segments of Models of Peano's Axioms.L. A. S. Kirby, J. B. Paris, A. Lachlan, M. Srebrny & A. Zarach - 1983 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 48 (2):482-483.
  34. Amerikanskai︠a︡ burzhuaznai︠a︡ filosofii︠a︡ -- filosofii︠a︡ voǐny i agressii.L. A. Shershenko - 1954 - Moskva: Vysshai︠a︡ partiǐnai︠a︡ shkola pri T︠S︡K KPSS.
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    Menandre: L'Atrabilaire.L. A. Post & Jean Martin - 1963 - American Journal of Philology 84 (2):200.
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  36. Conceptual Dimensions of Theory Appraisal.L. A. Whitt - 1988 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 19 (4):517.
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    Humanitarian expertise in the modern world: state and prospects.N. N. Ravochkin & M. A. Petrov - 2023 - Liberal Arts in Russia 12 (4):203-211.
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  38. A One Category Ontology.L. A. Paul - 2017 - In John A. Keller, Being, Freedom, and Method: Themes From the Philosophy of Peter van Inwagen. New York: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 32-62.
    I defend a one category ontology: an ontology that denies that we need more than one fundamental category to support the ontological structure of the world. Categorical fundamentality is understood in terms of the metaphysically prior, as that in which everything else in the world consists. One category ontologies are deeply appealing, because their ontological simplicity gives them an unmatched elegance and spareness. I’m a fan of a one category ontology that collapses the distinction between particular and property, replacing it (...)
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  39. Tvorchestvo o. Sergii︠a︡ Bulgakova: ėtapy puti.L. A. Zander - 2008 - In Sergiĭ Bulgakov, Dela i dni: statʹi 1903-1944, memuarnai︠a︡ i dnevnikovai︠a︡ proza. Moskva: Sobranie.
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    Hegel, a Collection of Critical EssaysHazlitt and the Spirit of the Age.L. A. Elioseff, Alasdair MacIntyre & Roy Park - 1972 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 31 (2):278.
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  41. G. PIAIA-R. POZZO (a cura di), Identità nazionale e valori universali nella moderna storiografia filosofica.L. A. Macor - 2009 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 101 (1):470.
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    On a new family of titanium oxides and the nature of slightly-reduced rutile.L. A. Bursill, B. G. Hyde, O. Terasaki & D. Watanabe - 1969 - Philosophical Magazine 20 (164):347-359.
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  43. Jñānaprabodha.Visvanātha Vyāsa Bāḷāpūrakara - 1973 - Malākāpūra, [jilhā] Bulaḍāṇā: Aruna Prakāśāna. Edited by Purushottam Chandrabbhanji Nagpurey.
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  44. Filosofii︠a︡ i nauchnoe poznanie: sbornik obzorov.L. A. Bobrova & Z. A. Sokuler (eds.) - 1986 - Moskva: Akademii︠a︡ nauk SSSR, In-t nauch. informat︠s︡ii po obshchestvennym naukam.
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  45. (1 other version)Précis of Transformative Experience.L. A. Paul - 2014 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 91 (3):760-765.
    I summarize the main argument of Transformative Experience (OUP 2014). The book develops familiar examples from classical philosophical debates, as well as original examples, to argue that an agent’s decision to undergo a transformative experience—an experience constituted by radical personal and epistemic change for the agent—must either be authentic or irrational, but not both. The Precis of Transformative Experience walks the reader through the main ideas involved in epistemically and personally transformative experiences, the problems they pose for rational decision-making, and (...)
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    (2 other versions)A Critical Pāli DictionaryA Critical Pali Dictionary.L. A. Schwarzschild, V. Trenckner, Dines Andersen & Helmer Smith - 1969 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 89 (3):666.
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    (1 other version)A Critical Pāli Dictionary. Vol. IIA Critical Pali Dictionary. Vol. II.L. A. Schwarzschild, V. Trenckner, Dines Andersen & Helmer Smith - 1973 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 93 (3):376.
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  48. Tri mira Grigorii︠a︡ Skovorody.L. A. Sofronova - 2002 - Moskva: Izd-vo "Indrik".
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    On the determinacy of games on ordinals.L. A. Harrington - 1981 - Annals of Mathematical Logic 20 (2):109.
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    Myshlenie uchenogo vchera i segodni︠a︡.L. A. Markova (ed.) - 2012 - Moskva: Alʹfa-M.
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